This year, well near the end of this year, hopefully 10 Ways to freak out an Angel will be finished and then released into the wild for all to...speaking of ebooks, Amazon have put the price of mine up from 99p to £1.10. I didn't do this, I have no idea why they've done that and I'm gonna see if I can bring the price back down again.
So yeah...I'm about 4200 words into the 3rd part of the Cupid series thing. I also want to redesign the front covers because mine are a bit shite. I did ask 4 freelance artists if they'd be interested in doing it but none of the ignorant bastards replied.
Sorry to my writer/reader friends that I've neglected over the past year. I've a few more paintings to do until February and then I'll be back in the game :D
Wait...not on the the game.